Sunday, March 2, 2008

Myron Cope

The world of sports broadcasting and the Steeler nation lost a great man this week. Myron Cope died at the age of 79 Wednesday. I think Ill remember Myron Cope, not so much for being one of the greatest broadcasters, but as being the symbol for a nation of fans. Myron Cope was arguably the most unique sports commentators that the sports world has ever known, with his “Yoy’s” and “Double “Yoy’s” Myron became the spokes person for the blue color city that embraced him and his zany style of broadcasting and of course the terrible towel. But Myron was more then just some guy with a scratchy, high pitched voice, after being a commentator for 35 years for the Steelers, Cope was inducted into the National Broadcast Hall of Fame in 2005. Myron is proof that it doesn’t matter what you sound like in the world of broadcasting but as long as you be yourself and bring that into the studio you cant fail. The follow is a clip tribute to Myron Cope

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

How's he connect to you? What's it mean for what you do?
Go deeper-- and try embedding the clip.